Poker Run Rules:​​
All federal, state and local laws must be observed.
All snowmobiles must have current registration with CPW and be in compliance with C.R.S 33-14-104. Enforcement officers may be present checking snowmobiles for compliance.
All participants must stay on the trail while in the Arrowhead Community. Any person found off trail will be disqualified, asked to leave the premises and may be subject to a $350 fine. Off-trail riding is permitted on BLM and Forest Service land. Please obey all private property markers.
You must have your “Player’s Hand” card(s), punched, stamped and/or initialized by a stop volunteer at each stop location. NO cards will be drawn until you return to the Arrowhead Mountain Lodge. Your first and last name must be on your card.
Once you return to the Arrowhead Mountain Lodge, you will:
Find the Poker Hand Tables and pick your 5 cards
If you are playing multiple hands, you will draw all five cards for one hand before continuing on to other hands
All hands will be tallied and turned in to this table
Player Hand(s) must be submitted no later than 3:00pm to qualify for prizes. Hands turned in after 3:00pm will be disqualified.
Players must be 18 years or older.
Must be present at the time the prize is announced.
Note: The Arrowhead Snowmobile Club (ASC) Poker Run operates under a Special Use Permit on the GMUG National Forest. ASC is an equal opportunity provider.​